Due Diligence: Guide For Analyzing & Purchasing Real Estate Correctly

Any experienced investor will tell you that Due Diligence are two of the most important words in investing. I learned the importance of due diligence soon after my first real estate blunder.  Due diligence is defined by Investopedia as, “The care a reasonable person should take before entering into an agreement or a transaction to another

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Are Real Estate Seminars Worth the Money?

If you read the news media, you’ll see that there’s a proliferation of new real estate gurus and seminars coming around to feed the endless demand for real estate these days. So, how do you tell the good from the bad? Well, first let me comment that I believe there is very little truly “bad”

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60 Days To Your First Bargain Purchase

Finding good real estate deals is an art that takes time to master. Like any business, customers are what drive it. Your primary customer is the seller who is motivated to sell below market value. Finding motivated sellers requires advertising, marketing, salesmanship, and, like any business, keeping your nose to the ground.

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5 Reasons To Buy Multi-Family Investments

Your first multi-family property is a critical move in your real estate investing career. You’re moving past wrong information and psychological barriers on into new territory to achieve your financial goals. Well, you made the right decision. Multi-family properties open a huge door of profits for the new and experienced investor to achieve their financial

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42 Ways To Market Your Property

In order to become a successful real estate investor there are certain skills that must be mastered. One of these skills is marketing. The following list is a great way to insure your marketing program is successful and make sure that your investment home does not sit empty and drain your bank account while you

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The Friendly Suburbs

Whenever you move, be it to a new city, or an entirely different country – expect there to be a bit of culture shock. What may be considered polite in one area may be considered rude in another, the food may be different, the clothing may be different as well. But there’s a certain shock

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Misconceptions About the Suburbs

So, you’re thinking of moving to the suburbs… but you think that somehow it’s like moving to outer Mongolia. You won’t see your friends. You will be stuck in a wardrobe of “mom jeans”. You will have to drive a minivan… and suddenly you won’t be that cool person that you’ve always considered yourself to

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Top Five Things To Think About Before You Buy

Buying a home is generally an exciting adventure – the thrill of finding a home that you and your family can enjoy, where you will raise your children, make friends – all the good things that home ownership. But there are several things that you should consider before setting down your hard earned money on

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How To Retire Early Investing In Apartment Buildings

We all work hard at our J.O.B., don’t we? We work hard each day and hope to retire when we’re 60, that’s the Kenyan dream, right? Many of us are looking for something better, maybe a scenario where we can retire earlier or perhaps enter a state of semi-retirement. The answer: investing in apartment buildings.

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10 Habits Of Highly Effective Real Estate Investors

Real estate has long been regarded as a sound investment. Wholesaling and property management of commercial and residential property are just a few of the ways investors can profit from real estate, but it takes a little savvy to become successful in this competitive arena. While certain universities do offer coursework and programs that specifically

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